How to Care for Your Health

by Bella Fechter

Caring for your mind and body makes you feel and look better, and is an important practice as you go from childhood to adulthood. Caring for yourself is also a way to love yourself! Below are some suggestions to help you be as healthy as possible, but remember to also follow advice from your healthcare professional. 

  • Eat 3 well-balanced meals and healthy snacks per day. Try to get protein (meat, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, yogurt, milk), fats (cheese, nuts, olive oil, butter, avocado) and carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, oatmeal, beans, pasta, rice breads, cereal) into each meal.
    • Sometimes, our minds or pressures from society tell us that restricting our eating will result in Instagram-worthy results. However, this can lead to serious health problems. If you’re struggling with disordered eating, tell a trusted adult and seek help.
  • Drink at least 8 cups of water per day. If you play a sport, you’ll need even more. Pop, juices, coffee, and tea shouldn’t be included in your goal, as they can sometimes dehydrate us. Proper hydration helps your body function properly and makes you look and feel great!
  • Try to exercise for 30 minutes per day. Almost anything counts here, like walking your dog, dancing to your favorite songs, gym class, sports practice, workout classes, running, swimming, biking, and any other ways you enjoy moving your body. As winter approaches, check out free online workout videos on Youtube that allow you to exercise in your own home!
  • Sleep for 8 hours, or more, per night. While 8 hours is the minimum suggestion, teens often need more sleep to account for the rapid development they are experiencing. While it can feel hard to balance school, work, activities, and getting enough sleep, try to make it a priority. Keep your phone off and away from you, so you aren’t tempted to scroll when you should be asleep!
  • Schedule yearly physicals with your pediatrician or primary care physician and dentist. Even if you feel healthy, it is important to get checkups to make sure that you are in good health,and to get help for any problems you may be having. If you have a mental health condition or feel like you need to talk to someone, make sure to also see a therapist frequently. 
  • Spend time with friends and family. This is an obvious one, but can often be overlooked in our busy lives! Take time doing things you enjoy together. And if you’re looking for more friends, joining an extracurricular activity or sport is a great place to start!
  • Limit your screen time. While social media can be fun to use, it often can lead to comparison, anxiety, and obsessive scrolling. Set yourself a limit, such as 30 minutes per day, or delete the apps altogether if they are causing you problems. Remember, social media is not reality, and always be vigilant for predators online.
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, vaping, and other addictive substances. Even if your friends are using these things, it is never good for your health and can have serious, life-threatening consequences. If you feel addicted to alcohol, drugs, or other substances, reach out for help from a trusted adult who can help you find a therapist and support groups. 
  • Pray, meditate, and/or journal. Take time everyday for gratitude, reflection, and time away from the busyness of everyday tasks. 

While these are some important suggestions, there are many other ways to care for your health. You know yourself best, so create a routine that is good for your overall health. And never be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling to care for yourself physically, emotionally, or in other ways. Take care and be well, you are worthy of good health!

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